Centre de Georges Pompidou
Finally made it to French Group a bit late – another one of those wrong exits at the metro station. Had a good time today – 3 French speakers and 3 English. One was a woman from Oklahoma who speaks almost perfect French, and the other a young man who was born in Iowa but only because his parents were attending University there. He then lived in Australia and a few other countries before landing in Paris with his wife. Wonderful Aussie accent and speaks French about as well as I do which was oddly reassuring. After French class it was off to the rue Rivoli for a shopping spree. Stopped by Starbuck’s for a latte, and then shopped for perfume at Sephora. Not much different than a Saturday afternoon at home but a lot of fun. Had planned to visit the Eiffel Tower today, but of course it started pouring again so I took my purchases and headed home. On the way I came across the George Pompidou Center, a high-tech architectural wonder [or eyesore, depending on your point of view], in the Beaubourg area of Paris. It opened in 1977 and houses the National Museum of Modern Art, along with a large public library, restaurant, cinema, bookshop, music research institute, and a new internet café. Having visited before, and it being a Saturday when every Parisienne in Paris is out and about, I decided to save a second visit for another day.
Wet and soggy, I finally arrived home. As I turned the corner, there appeared to be some sort of May Fête going on in the street with little children everywhere. A piñata was hung from a rope tied across the street and I almost got whacked with a piñata stick! Fortunately I made it safely to my door with nary a scratch. Put away all my groceries, checked my email, had some lunch and suddenly had the most intense craving for a Nutella and banana crepe! [If you’ve never had one, go out and find one immediately.] As luck would have it, there’s a crêperie stand right around the corner, so I meandered off down the street again to pick up some Kleenex at the Monoprix and a warm buttery crêpe with my stomach doing somersaults anticipating tea time. As I turned the corner to walk the block toward home, I saw a crowd had gathered at the head of the street. Wondering what could possibly be happening now, I turned the corner and saw a red carpet now lining the street and a fashion show in progress! Never a dull moment here. Above is a short video of the show. Sorry it’s a bit dark, but then it was a dark and cloudy day....
Bon soir
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